Library Access: The Gannett-Tripp Library welcomes alumni to Elmira College as researchers or guests. Visitors to the Library may use print resources. Minors must be accompanied by an adult or have permission from the Director of the Library.
Borrowing: The Library offers Elmira College alumni a complimentary borrower's card that allows borrowing of up to 5 books from the print General and Oversize Collections. Inquire at the Library Services Desk for an application. Books circulate for 6 weeks, and may be renewed in person or by calling (607) 735-1862 for an additional 3 weeks. For more information call the Library Services Desk at (607) 735-1862.
Computer and Wi-Fi Access: The College offers limited Wi-Fi access for 24 hours to its guests via the EC Guest wireless network. Guests can connect to the EC Guest wireless network through their mobile devices by selecting EC Wireless Guest Request and following the prompts. Normally, use of library computers is restricted to current Elmira College students, faculty, and staff. Public access computers on both the 1st and 2nd floors are available to search for Library materials.
Databases: Due to subscription licensing contracts, use of the Library's electronic databases is restricted to current students and employees of Elmira College. Consult the Free Databases and Website Resources tab for a list of open access, government, and other free sources.
Group Visits: Groups wishing to visit the Library must arrange their visits in advance. Contact Marge Kappanadze, Director of the Gannett-Tripp Library, at (607) 735-1867 or
Special Collections & Archives: Access to Special Collections, the Elmira College Archives, and the Mark Twain Archive is by appointment. Contact Marge Kappanadze at (607) 735-1867 or Additional information about Archives and Special Collections is on our website.
Library Access: The Gannett-Tripp Library welcomes researchers and visitors to Elmira College. As a private institution, Elmira College reserves the right to limit access to the Library and other campus facilities. Visitors to the Library may use print resources. Minors must be accompanied by an adult or have permission from the Director of the Library.
Borrowing: As a courtesy, the Library offers, for a $25 annual fee, a Community Borrower's Card that allows members of the community to borrow up to 5 books at a time from the print General and Oversize Collections. Books circulate for 6 weeks, and may be renewed in person or by calling (607) 735-1862 for an additional 3 weeks. Overdue fines are not charged, but the borrower is responsible for the cost of replacing lost or damaged books. Charges will be billed by the Bursar's Office. Inquire at the Library Services Desk for an application form. Payment may be made by personal check. For additional information, call the Library Services Desk at (607) 735-1862.
Computer and Wi-Fi Access: The College offers limited Wi-Fi access for 24 hours to its guests via the EC Guest wireless network. Guests can connect to the EC Guest wireless network through their mobile devices by selecting EC Wireless Guest Request and following the prompts. Use of library computers is restricted to current Elmira College students, faculty, and staff. Public access computers on both the 1st and 2nd floors are available to search for Library materials.
Databases: Due to subscription licensing contracts, use of the Library's electronic databases is restricted to current students and employees of Elmira College. Consult the Free Databases and Website Resources tab for a list of open access, government, and other free sources.
Group Visits: Groups wishing to visit the Library must arrange their visits in advance. Contact Marge Kappanadze, Director of the Gannett-Tripp Library, at (607) 735-1867 or
Special Collections & Archives: Access to Special Collections, the Elmira College Archives, and the Mark Twain Archive is by appointment. Contact Marge Kappanadze at (607) 735-1867 or Additional information about Archives and Special Collections is on our website.
Library Access: The Gannett-Tripp Library welcomes researchers and visitors to Elmira College. As a private institution, Elmira College reserves the right to limit access to the Library and other campus facilities. Visitors to the Library may use print resources in the building. Minors must be accompanied by an adult or have permission from the Director of the Library.
Computer and Wi-Fi Access: Use of library computers is restricted to current Elmira College students, faculty, and staff. Public access computers on both the 1st and 2nd floors are available to search for Library materials. The College offers limited Wi-Fi access for 24 hours to its guests via the EC Guest wireless network. Guests can connect to the EC Guest wireless network through their mobile devices by selecting EC Wireless Guest Request and following the prompts.
Databases: Due to subscription licensing contracts, use of the Library's electronic databases is restricted to current students and employees of Elmira College. Consult the Free Databases and Website Resources tab for a list of open access, government, and other free sources.
Group Visits: Groups wishing to visit the Library must arrange their visits in advance. Contact Marge Kappanadze, Director of the Gannett-Tripp Library, at (607) 735-1867 or
Special Collections & Archives: Access to Special Collections, the Elmira College Archives, and the Mark Twain Archive is by appointment. Contact Marge Kappanadze at (607) 735-1867 or Additional information about Archives and Special Collections is on our website.
Local Online Databases are accessible for free through your local library's web site using your library card's ID number. State libraries make a variety of popular and scholarly databases available to state residents. Examples are New York State's NOVELny, Pennsylvania's POWER Library, Connecticut's iCONN, Massachusetts' online resources, and Maine's MARVEL! programs. View a comprehensive list of States Providing Statewide Access to Online Databases at
JSTOR's Register & Read program offers registered users free access to up to 3 online articles every 2 weeks. Content includes over 1,300 academic journals. (For a reasonable monthly or annual fee, JPASS from JSTOR offers individual researchers access to over 1,700 journals.)
Free Databases and Internet Sources which are open access, or government sites, cover a wide range of informational needs:
ACM Digital Library (Association for Computing Machinery) Full text of every article ever published by ACM and bibliographic citations from major publishers in computing. Great Books Online
Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA)
Digital Public Library of America
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
Dissertations and Theses (PQDT Open)
EDGAR Database (Securities and Exchange Commission)
Entrez, the Life Sciences Search Engine
European Views of the Americas 1493 to 1750
Film Literature Index (Archive) Online (1976-2001)
Making of America (University of Michigan)
Official Document System of the United Nations (ODS)
OT Seeker - contains abstracts of systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials and other resources relevant to occupational therapy interventions
PEDro - Physiotherapy Evidence Database